"serial alchemy" Part I: Rediscovered:
The Life Elixirs of Paracelsus
Besides the legendary “philosopher’s stone” they have been
the goal of all alchemical research: the “High Arcana” of alchemy.
These life elixirs as well as the legendary “Aurum Potabile”, made
from gold, represented universal remedies and preparations meant for unfolding
our awareness. Three years ago these remedies could be successfully reproduced. more...

"serial alchemy" Part II: "As
above so below": The Production Process of the High
Arcana and their Power to Change
The life elixirs of Paracelsus, his great remedies
from metals and gems contain the healing powers of body, spirit
and soul of a substance. To extract these healing powers separately
is the high art of the high alchemy. The appliance of these High
Arcana also releases healing impulses in body, spirit and soul
of the human being at the same time. more...
"serial alchemy" Part III: The
Path of the Energy of Life: The Secret Seven-pointed Star
The alchemical picture of the Vitriol seven-pointed
star (septagram) reveals – like hardly any other picture – the
deep knowledge of great alchemists such as Paracelsus. It shows
their knowledge on the influence of the seven planets on and the
course of life energy in the human being and even the living body
of our earth. more...

"serial alchemy" Part IV: The
Way into the Light - The Teachings of Chakra in Alchemy
The alchemists called the chakras ‘seals of the planets’ or ‘furnaces
of the soul’. The specialty of the Alchemical teachings
is that there are three levels of energy on which the chakras
take effect: they are called Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo.
The aim of practical alchemy is to reach the highest level
of vibrancy, which is linked to a profound development of
personality and consciousness. more...

"serial alchemy" Part V: Connected
with the Pulse of the Stars
The energies of the planets have an effect on everything that lives on earth.
They also stay in a very special response to our Chakras and organs. For thousands
of years alchemy and Ayurveda have taught it in the same way. Only recently
the energies of the planets could be measured with the help of modern equipment – proving
the old healing knowledge which has been known for thousands of years. more...

"serial alchemy" Part VI: The
Determination of the Alchemical Constitutional Type
The analysis of the basic type of your constitution helps to recognise and
become aware of possible disharmony in body, mind or soul, early on. Certain
essences, according to Paracelsus, help to overcome imbalance and restore harmony. more...

"serial alchemy" Part
VII: Alchemistical
Essences – Made at Home
The plant tinctures used today are only initial substances
of the genuine and ancient alchemistical essences. Only the
elixirs prepared according to the teachings
of Paracelsus contain all three healing powers of the plant – made from
body, spirit and soul, or salt, sulphur and mercury. However, anyone can prepare
such a plant essence by himself. more...
"serial alchemy" Part VIII: "On
Longevity" - Anti-aging According
to Paracelsus
Anti-aging is a head-line which could not be dismissed neither
in medicine nor in the field of wellness. But even Paracelsus
investigated ways to prolong life and to maintain health back
in his time. This includes simple advise for leading a healthy
lifestyle as well as certain medicinal plants and a very special
life-elixir to strengthen the "inner Light". more...

"serial alchemy" Part IX: “The
Philosopher‘s Magnet“ -
Alchemic Transmutation of Antimony
By alchemical transformation, i. e. transmutation of the element
antimony, a significant remedy emerges – In today’s
opinion this process seems impossible but has now been comprehended
at the University of Munich. No one believed it, but the alchemists
were right! more...
Dansk |
"serial alchemy" Part X: The
Alchemy of Flowers - Flower essences according to Paracelsus
The origin of flower essences reaches far back in the history
of folk medicine. But only now is there a flower system which
links to these very ancient roots of medicine. The nine essences
are produced by traditional methods of alchemy, in a costly,
three months process and according to moon and planetary constellations.

"serial alchemy" Part XI: Amber:
The “Tears of the Gods”
Since many years forgotten, amber is having a revival as jewel
and fumigant – and for a short time it is also available
in a liquid alchemical form: true to the recipes by Paracelsus,
one succeeded to gain an essence from dissolved amber, which
is regarded as a universal remedy since the Middle Ages. more...

"serial alchemy" Part XII:With Magic and Magic Word
Since ancient times sacred names, magic
words and mantras, as well as specific symbols, have been
attributed to “magic power”. Can their effect
today be confirmed with the help of measuring instruments?
Does their possible influence depend on the respective person
who is using them, or do words and signs have their own effect?
With the help of various tests in the field of alternative
medicine the attempt was made to elucidate this ancient riddle.
"serial alchemy" Part XIII: Meridian-Therapy
and Planetary-Teachings
According to Biederstaedt, the secret of success of the “Meridian-Energy-Therapy” is
a gentle “acupuncture” that works with special
essences and a subsequent energetically and individually
balanced form of massage. It regulates the human system of
meridians and therefore can successfully treat many different
diseases from chronic pain to emotional problems, with the
help of “the planets”. more...
From Iron to Gold: The Alchemical Carlsmetall of St. Germain
Personal perfection and enlightenment have always been the aim of researching alchemists. The legendary transmutation of base metals into gold was only the outward sign that the inner “lightening“ of the alchemist had proceeded far. The Count of Saint Germain was supposed to have mastered the transmutation of metals and precious stones and is regarded as an alchemist who advanced to “Ascended Master“. Historically proven is at least his laboratory work with Landgrave Carl of Hesse-Kassel and the transmutation from iron into the legendary “Carlsmetall“. more...

old medicine rediscovered -
"The drinking-gold of the alchemists"
Far back in the Middle Ages, Paracelsus praised
its medical powers. Today “aurum potabile”, the alchemists’ cure-all,
has again become word of mouth, so to speak. That’s because
after many centuries, by keeping to the instructions in ancient
texts, it has again become possible to produce it. Meanwhile, holistic
doctors have used the medicine – with great success more...

Medicine of the Maharajas: Alchemistic Jewel Essences"
Paracelsus was wildly enthusiastic about the Jewel
Essences produced by alchemists. The great curative powers of pearls
he even likened
to the effects of the drinking-gold, the legendary “aurum
potabile”: Through the pearl essence, “not only are
weak limbs restored to health, but the healthy ones maintain their
selfsame vigour”. more...
Alchemy and the turn of an era
Not only does the Maya Calendar give us concrete orientation for “2012”, there are also our own spiritual roots: The European astrology points out the transformation phase in which we find ourselves and what can support us. more...

of the planets" - Chakra teachings of the ancient alchemists
Knowledge regarding the chakras, the principal human
energy centres, is found mainly in Indian teachings. Substantial
knowledge about them also existed in the West, however. The ancient
alchemists called the chakras „seals of the planets“ and
described several phases of energetic transformation they can undergo.
Apart from healing, the result of that process of „Durchlichtung“ („lightening“)
is nothing else but, in today’s language, a fundamental cultivation
of one’s personality and consciousness. more...
and the Changing Times
According to the Calendar of the Mayans, the conclusion of the year 2012 also
stands for the end of a time cycle of more than 5000 years. It is still largely
unknown that in alchemy also that year – as the seven preceding years of
preparation – is of particular importance. more...

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